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School Choice Open Enrollment

Redan Middle School

Dekalb County Schools

Parent Resources

News & Notes

What is Parent & Family Engagement?

  • The purpose of Parent and Family Engagement under Title I, Part A is to promote active engagement among local educational agencies (LEA) administrators, school staff, parents, parent advocacy organizations, parental involvement liaisons, community leaders, and others working to improve student achievement and academic success. Family Engagement is defined as the participation of parents in regular two-way and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities:

    • Parents play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning.
    • Parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school.
    • Parents are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision making as well as being a part of the advisory committees to assist in the education of their child.
    • Parents carry out other activities as described in section 1116 of the ESSA.
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Title 1 Documents

   (Click the picture below to access the Title 1 Documents)

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Infinite Campus Information

Scan QR Code to Request Infinite Campus Portal Access

Click the following links to view a video or view instructions on how to access the Campus Portal Progress Report. 

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School Social Work Services

School Social WorkerDeKalb County School Social Workers function as a link between the home, school and community. School Social Workers assist DeKalb County families who are experiencing social, familial and/or economic challenges that impacts the learning process of students.  

If Utility Assistance is needed, you may contact your electric, or water company directly.  Please see the information below:

Ga. Power Residential Customer Service Number: 1-888-660-5890 * (Ga. Power will provide a 30-day reprieve on utility obligations).  

DeKalb County Water Dept. Customer Service Number: 404-378-4475 * (DeKalb County Water Company will refrain from terminating service).  


For food resources, please refer to the DeKalb County School District website at and . Foodfinder provides pick up locations based upon your zip code. 

During this time of uncertainty, we are here to support students and their families, Monday-Friday, from 8 am to 4 pm.

** We value your input and would like to keep you informed.  If you have not provided the school with your most recent phone number and email address, please email me your child’s name and your contact information, so that our records may be updated. 

Email: [email protected]       

Work Cellular: 678-612-0928